Christian Says

Christian Says

Is the law an ass when it comes to cyclists?

Is the law an ass when it comes to cyclists?

There has been a nasty spate of cyclists deaths in the part of North London where I live with three ...
Climate change attracts the knee jerk response

Climate change attracts the knee jerk response

There is no doubt that climate change is now a permanent fixture of the political agenda. There will not be ...
Letter from the studios

Letter from the studios

I have received a lot of comments through the website on the recent Cumbria train accident and, in particular, on ...
Letter from Brussels

Letter from Brussels

The immigration officer was particularly surly. ‘What is the purpose of your trip?’ he asked. ‘Business’ I said. ‘What is ...
Letter from the Islington front line

Letter from the Islington front line

Perhaps I should not have left my bike out locked to a rather doddery picket fence outside my partner’s house ...
Eddington keeps the Treasury happy

Eddington keeps the Treasury happy

Was the report for the Treasury on Britain’s transport infrastructure by the ex BA boss Rod Eddington worth the wait? ...
Runway running out for aviation

Runway running out for aviation

Photo credit: © Primary Image. Climate change is leaping up the political agenda so fast that it is difficult to ...
How is road pricing going to happen?

How is road pricing going to happen?

Will road pricing ever happen? It has been government policy for several years now that a national scheme of road ...
Aviation security: a self-serving industry

Aviation security: a self-serving industry

The fuss about aviation security seems to be dying down a bit, leaving us with a rather random set of ...
Letter from Easter Island

Letter from Easter Island

Easter Island is the most remote place on the earth, 2500 miles from Santiago in Chile. The nearest other speck ...
More ideas for the transport secretary

More ideas for the transport secretary

It seems everyone wants to be transport secretary. The article on being transport secretary for a day (,06.shtml) attracted so ...
Letter from Florida

Letter from Florida

Someone needs to write a book about how the national psyche is affected by the transportation system that prevails in ...
The story no one tells - how safety is improving

The story no one tells – how safety is improving

This is tempting fate but it is important to point out just how much the safety record of public transport ...
Please learn from our mistakes

Please learn from our mistakes

One of the really dispiriting things about the politics of transport is the failure of other countries to learn from ...
Letter from India

Letter from India

In the hotel in Goa where I have just spent two weeks, the local newspaper was delivered every morning to ...
Bad time for new line

Bad time for new line

There is much talk of a north - south high speed rail link. The idea was mentioned rather half heartedly ...
Tories learning to oppose at last

Tories learning to oppose at last

Ever since Labour was elected in 1997, the Tories have been crap at opposition. They just did not understand what ...
Public Private Partnerships are too clever by half

Public Private Partnerships are too clever by half

Public Private Partnerships have been taken further forward in the UK than anywhere else, partly because of our highly developed ...
The climate change imperative

The climate change imperative

The BBC did something very naughty the other day. On October 27, which happened to be the warmest late October ...
Labour puts transport into the “too hard” basket

Labour puts transport into the “too hard” basket

What a dispiriting experience the Labour party conference is. It wasn't just that octanegerian long time Labour stalwart, Walter Wolfgang, ...
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