The Story of Crossrail

Release year: 2022

Pages: 352

Publisher: Head of Zeus

ISBN: 1788540255

Softback | Hardback | Online

What people are saying..

Of the numerous books on Crossrail before it opens this is almost certainly the best and was no doubt originally scheduled by the publisher to appear a few weeks before the delayed line was due to start operations. Wolmar has closely followed the construction of the line, and visited many of the construction sites, and the book clearly conveys his enthusiasm for the project. He covers, among other things, the many construction challenges encountered during the tunnelling – one example being at Finsbury Circus, where nearly eight million litres of grout had to be injected into the ground to protect the foundations of the buildings there. A very enjoyable read.

- Jim

In December 2018, Crossrail the biggest urban rail project ever in the United Kingdom was supposed to open. Just four months before the planned opening, the project managers confessed that the opening date was unrealistic. Now, finally, after three years and an extra £3.5bn, this £19bn project is opening in the spring. The Story of Crossrail has now been updated in a paperback version to relate both the story of what is a fantastic world class railway that will be a big post pandemic boost to London and also how the project went off the rails as the project team deluded themselves about the task of completing a very complex railway

This is a fully updated edition of the Crossrail Story, taking in both the story of the amazing engineering which went into building a new railway under London and how the project nearly went off the rails due to a combination of hubris and self-deception


What people are saying..

Of the numerous books on Crossrail before it opens this is almost certainly the best and was no doubt originally scheduled by the publisher to appear a few weeks before the delayed line was due to start operations. Wolmar has closely followed the construction of the line, and visited many of the construction sites, and the book clearly conveys his enthusiasm for the project. He covers, among other things, the many construction challenges encountered during the tunnelling – one example being at Finsbury Circus, where nearly eight million litres of grout had to be injected into the ground to protect the foundations of the buildings there. A very enjoyable read.

- Jim

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