Rail 1013: Labour dilemma for the train companies

Rail 1013: Labour dilemma for the train companies

What now? Despite the length of the hustings, none of the questions about the future of the industry have been ...
Rail 1012: Labour holds its cards to its chest on rail

Rail 1012: Labour holds its cards to its chest on rail

The transport content of the Labour manifesto was thin gruel. That was to be expected. Anyone who was hoping for ...
Rail 1011: Change or no change? Lessons from history

Rail 1011: Change or no change? Lessons from history

And so that’s it. There will be change, perhaps total upheaval, of the rail system after 14 years of Conservative ...
Spitfire crash does not mean the end of the WW2 plane

Spitfire crash does not mean the end of the WW2 plane

The Spitfire crash in Lincolnshire on May 25th could not have happened at a worst time. Every available World War ...
Rail 1010: Birmingham's love affair with HS2 bears fruit

Rail 1010: Birmingham’s love affair with HS2 bears fruit

If there is one place in the world where HS2 is loved, it is Birmingham. The outgoing mayor of West ...
Rail 1009: Labour fudges its rail plans

Rail 1009: Labour fudges its rail plans

It’s taken longer than getting a 100 year old locomotive into steam, but at last the Labour party has produced ...
How to build a 135 mile railway in 3 days (clue, it's not HS2)

How to build a 135 mile railway in 3 days (clue, it’s not HS2)

General George Patton was always a man in a hurry. As a cavalryman who wore breeches long after horses were ...
Rail 1008: The dilemma over Great British Railways

Rail 1008: The dilemma over Great British Railways

As we approach the sixth anniversary of the timetable chaos that triggered off the restructuring of the railways, we are ...
Labour's plan is a starter for 10

Labour’s plan is a starter for 10

There are a lot of details to sort out in Labour’s plan to renationalise the railways. There is, for example, ...
Rail 1007: How railways still win wars

Rail 1007: How railways still win wars

Two articles in national newspapers at the beginning of this month have highlighted the importance of a little understood aspect ...
Congestion charge lessons being relearnt in Ireland

Congestion charge lessons being relearnt in Ireland

It was going to be chaos. Roads would be jammed with traffic avoiding the centre of London. Protestors would set ...
'elf n safety not to blame over Jacobite train demise

‘elf n safety not to blame over Jacobite train demise

When the operators of the most popular steam train service in Britain decided to challenge the safety authorities, they were ...
Rail 1006: What do we want from the railways?

Rail 1006: What do we want from the railways?

In my youth I would go on demonstrations and sometimes wonder whether I  really supported the cause we were protesting ...
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